
War and Peace and Starships.

Time for a new post. So what has been happening with me? Good question. I'm glad you asked.

I've found out about a couple of contests. The first is this three day novel writing contest, and it takes place on Labor Day every year. I'm already training for it, by participating in... The National Novel Writing Month (Or NaNoWriMo), which isn't really a contest, but what the heck, I'll call it that because I can.

I already knew about nanowrimo, but I wasn't interested in it until yesterday. Now I'm in, for better or for worse, with a five day handicap and a chip on my shoulder. Just kidding about the chip, but really, yes, it's there.

And the wonderful piece of literature I've chosen for this month? A science fiction novel. Umm. Err. Why? I don't know. Because I wrote an outline three years ago and knew I'd never get around to it until something extraordinary presented itself, and, well, look what's presented itself. My goal is twenty-five hundred words a day, which I'm easily surpassing in the second day, but there's a lot of time left, and I can easily slip up if I so choose.


The novel is untitled, but I'm calling it War and Peace and Starships for now, as a shout out to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Don't worry. It's not going to stay that way, but I wish the latter book had never been written because it's a great title. Let's face it. The addition of something almost entirely unrelated gives a book a certain charm.

Meanwhile, I'm on Facebook again, finishing up this semester at school, and wondering what to do over Christmas break. Why the heck couldn't the organizers of NaNoWriMo do it then? I don't know. Maybe some college people should get together and do something like that. It would be fun, sort of a miniature Wonder Boys, or whatever that movie was called. The kid wrote an amazing novel over Christmas break. Hey, I wonder...

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