
Jesus God, Where Have You Been?

So, the thought's just occurred to me that I haven't been on the blog for about two months, give or take. This makes me sad because I really do like keeping a blog about where I am in my writing. Does this mean I've stopped writing? No, not really. I am a lot busier now. I'm going to college full time and working full time, and that leaves little time for blog pursuits, but I'd stopped writing in my blog for at least a month before that happened.

Does this mean I've lost interest? I hope not. I mean, I was so happy when I turned twenty-five and really started pushing myself to write again. The main reason for my joy was because I was able to keep myself focused for longer periods of time. I started writing a novel, and completed twenty four decently-sized chapters before I stopped. That was around 260 something pages, and that was before I actually even completed my first novel. It was like when I turned twenty-five I somehow became an adult in my mind. So I hope I'm not losing interest, because that would mean I'm regressing.

To quote somebody famous, "Wha' happen?"

Well, for starters, nothing happened. I got my edits back too late to get anything effective done in my book before school started, so I didn't send out the would-be fifth draft to agents. My story got rejected from 'Glimmer Train', which I know they'll regret, but every writer says that. Basically, I think I felt like I just didn't have anything to write about, and if the purpose of the blog was about writing about my progress, I wasn't going to keep writing, "Nothing happened today."

Whatever. Nothing's still happened, but I feel like writing a blog today, and that's the reason.

I'm writing a novella. It's based on a poem I wrote about four years ago, which made me realize I could write poetry without sounding like a robot. The poem had eight sections, so I figured the novella could have eight chapters. I finished chapter seven last night. Maybe chapter eight will happen today?

It's a weird novella. Picture 'Naked Lunch' meets 'Huckleberry Finn' meets 'The Gospel of John.' Yeah. Just what I thought. You can't.

I'm really enjoying it. As the second draft's being put down on my computer at home, I'm starting to think of the possibilities for my protagonist. His name is only mentioned once, and at that point he's only called E. His appearance seems to mirror everyone he talks to, which I think bolsters the argument that E could stand for 'Everyman', if I choose to go that route. I don't know, but it does seem like a possibility at this point.

I'm going to drop it all at once, so I'm not going to post it at Writer's Cafe until it's all finished. It's already behind schedule, but good writing takes time, right? Eh. Maybe. I think there's something to be said for the feverish night-time, coffee-dazed style of Balzac, too, but who reads Balzac anymore?

So that, in a nutshell, is what I'm up to these days. I don't feel like writing anymore for now.

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