
Which Type of Writer Am I?

So if I don't want to write shite science-fiction novels, what do I want to write? I mean, what else is there? It's not that science-fiction is bad, it's just not for me to write about something when I hate half of its name (science). And it's not that I hate science, either, it's just, well, I'm not too good at it and I don't think people want to read my ignorant ideas about how spaceships work, although they could possibly be entertaining. Can you imagine a squirrel-powered spaceship? I can. That's really the sad thing. Douglas Adams imagined a bistromathic spaceship, and it was awesome, but I'm not as awesome as he is. But I do have the advantage of still being alive, so that does make me more awesome on at least one count. Too soon?

I don't hate the other half of the name (fiction. We're still talking about science-fiction here. Pay attention). Which is not to say that I'm terribly good at writing fiction, which is why I'm still in school, but we already covered that. I am good at making shit up, however, and lying is one of the key elements of being an author. The trick is to lie consistently and with good grammar, and then you're in.

So I want to write fiction, but what types. Genre fiction? I don't know. I've toyed with the science-fiction, but I don't want to write it as a career, because it's a hobby thing with me, like how some people play video games. I've heard that some "serious" writers start writing romance novels because they're easy and zero stress. I guess that's me with other types of writing. I started a fantasy novel and got quite a long way in it (75,000 words, no joke). I have outlines for quite a few projects that one would consider being science-fiction or fantasy. That's another thing I do as a hobby- I write outlines. The more complicated the better. For the book I started writing for NaNoWriMo, my outline was thirty pages long, and consisted of 150 chapters, in five parts, which is part of the reason I was calling it "War and Peace and Starships."

So the books in which I don't have to know about anything are the potentially longer ones, if I ever get around to writing them, and the books which I want to write will end up being tiny, because I know nothing about anything serious. Wow. This is depressing. I do have life experience-- as much as a twenty-something year-old should have. I pity the people with more than me. And I'm constantly gathering more, so that's fun. I'm not worried about the future, I guess I'm just worried about right now. I want to be doing and writing, and I'm stuck at the moment, because I'm a good student.

Maybe I will write something over Christmas break. I don't know. I don't know anything.

I want to write meaningful fiction, I do. I want to write books that stand the test of time. Is that too big a wish? Am I asking too much?

The other unique thing about me (I think) is that I would actually like to be a success while I write. I'm not one of those annoying bastard artist types who rejects every chance of making money. I'm just a regular annoying bastard. I'll take money, but I won't stop doing what I need to do, which is write meaningful stuff. I think the less consequential can exist right next to the consequential, and the literary can be accessible. That's my aim. I think that's fair.


  1. it's NOT too much to ask! nike says: just do it.

  2. i figure, have fun, do what you like, and get paid for it (hopefully).
