
Better Than (3)

So now we come to the ugly truth. Most people think they are better than everyone else. If they don't, they have inferiority problems, and need help. It could also be that they have the tendency to think they're better, and are simply really good at fighting it. I envy the people in the second category, but I don't think it exists. I only list it here as a hypothetical example for any who want to say I'm being too broad with my categories.

Ego is part of us. And it's needed, just like every other part. But if it's not balanced, then it becomes too much. Our opinion of ourselves, to a great degree, dictates our aspirations and ambitions. It really does. The people who have no opinions of themselves, or low ones, are fakers or in nut houses. If it is possible to get rid of a good opinion of ourselves, through years of inhumane treatment, which isn't fun at all, I'm guessing, then our spirits get taken as well. Where does our will go? Our obstinacy? We become the teacup poodles and golden retrievers of the human world.

So this is why I'm mad that some people can boldly (read, immaturely) say that whole groups of people are beneath them. Yeah, so, everyone thinks in some way they're better than others. That doesn't do the person on the receiving end very good.

The fact is, everyone is better than everyone else, and this is not a contradiction, no matter how it might sound. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and when compared to another person, these make for great combinations. If everyone was a writer, I'd be out of luck. If everyone was a lover, nothing would get done. Etc. You know what I'm getting at.

The person who's writing their first novel doesn't need to have their balls busted at every opportunity, just because someone else can't get their novel off the ground. They don't need to be told it's simply perfect and that nothing added or taken away from it could make it any better--that would be pandering, and won't give them any help.

I guess that's what I was getting at.

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