
The Never-Ending Children's Book Saga

I wasn't planning on writing a book this summer, I really wasn't. But I am. The book in question is the sequel to the first children's book I wrote, even though I haven't had that published or spoken to an agent about it.

It all started when I began editing _Faeriemerica_ for its fourth draft. Halfway through the edits, I came up with the brilliant idea to see if my professor could read it. He said he would. In one of the establishing emails, I mentioned that I'd heard agents don't like books that end on cliffhangers. He wrote back telling me that they don't mind--and they don't mind sequels, either--as long as there's a plan for the sequels.

So I started outlining the second book, and I liked the outline so much that I started writing the book. As of right now, I've finished chapter 1, and I plan on writing chapter 2 tonight.

I'm not going to put myself through a lot of stress trying to finish it before the summer is over. I'm just going to write it until I can't write it, then I'll put it down. Summer is break time, after all. See, that right there is a horrible philosophy. I should be slaving every day to try to make it the best book I can, but my laziness has been winning so far this summer.

We'll see what happens.