

School's out for a month, and I already have plans. Because what would a long layoff be without plans?

Other people have ambition. I have my own kind of ambition. Specifically, a new novel.

I'd like to get it done before the beginning of the year, but if that doesn't work, I'll take before school gets back in, on January 11th. And lest you think I can't do it, I'm already a third of the way through it.

The key is momentum. And the other key is being inspired. And the other key is shutting yourself off from the world and going to town.

On a separate, but related note, this has been an up and down year for me on the writing scale. I finished one novel, seriously started one novel and didn't get through it, completed various parts of other novels, and wrote a lot of short stories. I found new sites to help me, and found out that my first novel was probably a bit too radical to get published. Well, whatever. It accomplished what first novels are supposed to do. It got my feet wet. If I finish this novel, which is simply a matter of keeping up the momentum, I'm confident that its subject matter will be relevant to today's reading audience. Also, it's freaking hilarious.

So that's where I am at the moment. I'll keep you posted as more of the novel gets written.

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